Jenny Randles ColumnIn the ChairNewsEventsUFO Times

Playing the Percentages

A Research Report by Robert Bull


During the course of my UFO investigations and general reading I became interested in the quoted percentage of UFO reports that were evaluated as 'unknown'. Figures in the 5 - 10% range (ie 90-95% 'IFO's) seemed to be common and generally accepted, although I had come across much lower IFO figures.

It seemed to me that I needed a clearer understanding of:

To this end, at the suggestion of and with the help of Philip Mantle, I instituted a survey of 18 UFO groups worldwide, plus the alt.alien.visitors and alt.paranet.ufo newsgroups.


Besides the obvious 'What's your percentage?' question, I also posed a number of other questions relating to factors that I felt might influence reported percentages, as shown below (with supporting detail where necessary):

What is your organisation's percentage of IFOs (Identified Flying Objects)?

How many reports is this percentage derived from, and in what year did you start investigating reports?
[Obviously, more weight can be given to a percentage figure based on 10,000 reports gathered over 40 years than 100 reports from a group started up this year.]

How thoroughly is each report investigated?
[Someone sitting at a desk (dare I say wearing a USAF uniform, in the 1960s?!) thumbing through a pile of reports and saying ''Venus, aircraft, Venus, hmm, maybe we'll look into that one . .'' is taking a different route to a conclusion on a report than someone who gets out there and investigates. I would suggest that the former has a greater incentive to return an 'identified' conclusion than the latter.]

Is the field investigator's explanation of a case taken as final, or could this conclusion be overruled by a more experienced investigator before the case is archived?
[Clearly the 'evaluator' has a duty to 'filter' investigation reports handed in by inexperienced, enthusiastic investigators (like yours truly!), but there's a risk that 'genuine unidentifieds' (whatever that means) may be 'sanitised'. I don't somehow feel there's a risk of a mis-evaluation going the other way. See UFORUM's answer to this one.]

For IFOs, could you give a rough breakdown of the percentages of types of IFO (eg stars, planets, aircraft etc)?
[I was just curious as to what type of IFO was reported most often.] Have these proportions changed over the years? [I was wondering whether, for man-made IFOs in particular, people might be becoming more 'educated' over the years, and would be mis-reporting this type of IFO less often. See MUFON's answer to this one.]

What happens to cases where there is 'insufficient data'? Are they:

[If you do the maths, the answer to this one could have quite a significant effect on the reported percentages. In the UFO Experience, Hynek [2] shows that Blue Book's IFO percentage comes down to 77% if 'insufficient data' cases are counted as 'UFOs'.]


I eventually received six replies, including one Internet message. For what they're worth, the 'raw' IFO percentage figures I got back were:

CUFOS:(no figure given)
MUFON: 80-90%
UFO Research Australia: 96-98%

(The UFOROM figure is not a mistake - see UFOROM's entry.)

Other relevant comments, by organisation, are as follows.


(J.Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies.) Disappointingly for such an august body, they had no statistics for their IFO percentage, or for the total number of sighting reports on their files. Whilst making some interesting observations (eg 'The real change that has been noticed over the years is the dramatic world-wide decline in good UFO reports.'), none of my survey questions were answered properly. (Reply unsigned.)


(This one from Walt Andrus himself!) Started investigating reports in 1967, but no total number of investigations given. Extensive network of Investigators/State Directors/Regional Directors. Definite IFO reports (where 'IFO' could be decided at State Director level) not archived. Stated that the number and proportion of IFO reports is moving down as the public becomes more 'educated'. 'Insufficient data' cases not counted.


(France, P.Petrakis. Sexy stamps on this one!) Didn't answer the questionnaire as such, because he (?) admitted that SOS OVNI didn't keep any statistical records. Had been investigating UFO reports since 1974, returning 98% as IFOs. 'Insufficient data' cases counted as IFOs (50% of the IFO conclusions coming from this source - see Table 1 for comments on this topic). Cited common (peculiarly French?) IFOs as 'Sky Trackers' used to advertise nightclubs, and rocket launches from the Biscarosse launch site.

UFO Research Australia

(aka Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research Inc.) Claimed to have investigated 60 cases since 1952 (??). 'Insufficient data' cases counted as UFOs. Very little information in this reply, none of it useful (or believable!).


(Email from Chris Rutkowski.) A very interesting and useful reply, easily the best that I received . Said that IFOs to them were positively identified objects, and as such constituted a small percentage of reports. Their 1993 figure was 31.5% (based on 489 reports) [3], this being much higher than in previous years (due to a significant fireball event occurring over Canada in October 1993). All reports within UFOROM's 'patch' investigated very thoroughly. Case reports reviewed by a 'compiler', who could make 'adjustments' to the field investigator's conclusions. 'Insufficient Data' cases kept as a separate category, i.e. not counted as IFOs.


(Victorian UFO Research Society, Australia.) Quite a useful report from Paul Norman. VUFORS has been investigating UFO reports since 1957. Stated that 'best' cases such as the Frederick Valentich case and the Knowles case were investigated very thoroughly, whereas 'lights in the sky' cases were usually handled by post + telephone, although this policy was only adopted after experience showed that follow-up visits in such cases usually yielded little useful extra information. Gave a breakdown of IFO types, which, interestingly, was not even close to the breakdown reported by Allan Hendry [1] following his study; see Table 2. 'Insufficient data' cases not counted at all. Sent extra information about a recent spate of 'prank balloons' (reported as UFOs) in the Dandenong hills (ah!, the Dandenongs . . .).


The number of replies received was far to few to draw any firm conclusions regarding the topics mentioned at the start of this report. However, the fact that their was considerable variation in investigation and reporting methods adopted by the replying organisations highlights the fact that statements like '95% of UFO reports turn out to be reports of identifiable objects or phenomena' should not be accepted unreservedly. Two particularly interesting points to come out of the survey were:

These aspects are discussed below.

The treatment of 'insufficient data' cases

The table below illustrates the effect of categorising 'insufficient data' cases as IFOs, UFOs, or 'uncounted'.

Table 1: UFO Percentages

ID cases counted as. . .

Reporting sample



(not counted)
Hendry (2.8% ID's) 8.6 11.4 8.9
Hynek/Blue Book (18% ID's) 5.5 23.5 6.7
JTAP ('80-'82) [4] (28% IDs) 14.642.4 20.3
UFOROM ('89-'93) (41% IDs)
SOS OVNI (49% IDs) 2.0 513.9

Here we see that, for example, for the Blue Book sample, counting ID cases as 'identified' (the usual approach) gives a UFO proportion of 5.5%; counting the ID cases as 'unidentified' (ie as UFOs, as suggested by Hynek) gives a UFO proportion of 23.5%; not counting the ID cases at all (ie by saying that, in this example, there were not 10137 cases but (10137-1822) = 8315 cases, 557 of them unidentified) gives a UFO proportion of 6.7%.

Two things to note here:

The latter may just result from a mathematical property of the data (ie forget we're talking about UFOs at all) or it could be saying that a wide variation exists in the way 'insufficient data' (and, by implication, the other categories) are defined.

The breakdown of IFO types

The table below illustrates the differing breakdown of IFO types (definite IFOs, IDs not counted) across three samples. I was just idly curious about this, but I began to wonder if there may be significant differences in the availability of some IFO types to different groups in different parts of the world at different times.

For example, 'Ad planes' were Hendry's second-most frequent reported IFO; 'ad planes' are virtually unknown in the UK, especially at night, so what would Hendry have done if he went on to investigate the same number of UFO reports in the UK? Would the temptation to assign reports to the other (globally-available) IFO types have been stronger than it should have been, thus resulting in a few 'real' UFOs being missed?

All hypothetical I know, but I still think the table below makes interesting reading.

Table 2: IFO Breakdowns

%age of total IFOs

IFO Type



Stars & planets
Advertising planes 22.5

Meteors and re-entries 11.0
Ball lightning

Satellites 2.3
Moon 2.1
Prank balloons 1.4

Searchlights 0.9

Balloons 0.92.0
Missile launches 0.6

Fixed ground lights 0.5


Clouds <0.5
Test clouds <0.5

Airborne Residue <0.5
Mirage <0.5

Moondog <0.5

Window reflection <0.5


I would have liked more data, but what I think the survey shows is that there is considerable variability in the percentages of UFO report evaluation categories, and that this variation is due, at least in part, to the different definitions used for each evaluation category.

If all report evaluation agencies used the same definitions, then one could be reasonably confident that any differences in evaluation patterns thrown up by the different groups would be due to differences in the data itself rather than the way it was evaluated.

What I think is needed therefore are standard definitions of:

Positively Identified

The reported object has been identified with 100% certainty.

For example, the investigator contacts an airline (or air force) which says: 'Yes, the serial number you gave us is one of ours, and it was in the air at that location at that time.'

Probably/Possibly Identified

The reported object has all, or some, of the characteristics of its probable/possible identification.

An example of 'probable' would be a case where the investigator is as near as dammit certain that an aircraft has been reported, but the independent verification which would result in a positive identification cannot be obtained.

An example of 'possible' would be a case where the investigator suspects that an aircraft has been reported, and that those characteristics which do not seem to be ascribable to an aircraft are the result of mis-reporting. (Witnesses could be confused by 'nocturnal light' sightings, where lack of a fixed frame of reference (the ground) makes it difficult to tell whether an object is moving along or across the observer's line of sight.)

Insufficient Data

Some or all basic details such as the observer's location, the time and date, and the observed object's appearance and movement are missing from the report.


Despite an intensive investigation, and despite there being sufficient information to otherwise evaluate the report, no probable or possible explanation in terms of known phenomena can be suggested.


The investigator has spoken to a witness of a sighting and has recorded details of the conversation.

Thus an investigator could be 'fed' details of a sighting from a variety of sources, or the investigator could track down a witness, starting from, say a newspaper report. A newspaper report in itself thus would not count as a report.


Adoption of the above definitions is not going to solve the UFO mystery, but if all investigators used them then any subsequent analysis of evaluation profiles (across different investigation agencies) would be meaningful.

Of course, when I say 'all investigators' then it would be wonderful if that could mean worldwide! In practice though, that is probably going to be impossible to achieve (although perhaps some inroads could be made through ICUR), but I think that adoption of a standard set of definitions within BUFORA at least, should be achievable.

We already have the recent requirement that no-one can become an Accredited Investigator for BUFORA unless he/she successfully completes the investigator's postal training course; this gives reason to believe that the quality of investigations will increase. Use of a standard set of definitions for evaluation purposes should increase the consistency of evaluations.

I suggest that use of a standard set of definitions should be mandatory; investigators should be directed not to return a UFO conclusion (for example) unless the 'UFO' conclusion definition is met. If BUFORA can arrive at a situation where high-quality, consistent investigations are being produced then the workload on the Director of Investigations would be reduced (although he/she should still have the right to overrule investigators' conclusions if necessary).

A standard set of definitions could be enshrined in an all-new BUFORA Investigators Manual.

. . . now there's a thought . . .


  1. Hendry, A., 1979. The UFO Handbook, Sphere Books Limited, London.
  2. Hynek, J. Allen, 1972. The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry, Corgi Books, London.
  3. Rutkowski, C.A., 1993, The 1993 Canadian UFO Survey - Five Years of UFOs, UFOROM, Canada.
  4. Wootten, M.R., 1985, 'A Statistical Overview: 1980-1982', The Journal of Transient Aerial Phenomena, September 1985 issue.

Robert Bull

Jenny Randles ColumnIn the ChairNewsEventsUFO Times